Saturday, January 4, 2014

Craft Update #7

For this craft update I am going to introduce two different types of medium that I have had the chance of working with. As I explained in an earlier post, I am taking a Studio Art class on West African Culture that is letting me experience some interesting and new medias.

 These three are batik on 100% cotton fabric using melted wax as a resist.
This next part is an experimental/practice piece for a kente cloth. I learned the basics of weaving a kente cloth and some different types of pattern making to prepare for the final piece. Which is a kente made of 5 strips (each 8 inches tall).

Practice kente strip

The final kente piece (strip 1 preparation)

Strip 1 of final kente cloth completed.

And this concludes this craft update. Updates on this kente cloth and among other projects from the class shall be posted eventually on here.

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