Tuesday, September 25, 2012

a call to ART! net-wide feature

Calling all artists who would like some attention!

That’s right... Art! 

The Super-Duper-Special-Kick-Ass Goddess Magick is hollering for any and all artists that would like to submit ORIGINAL imagery that simply calls to be noticed. That's right- we wanna promote YOU and your ART..... give us a jingle via FaceBook, Blogger, dA -- let's rock! 

If you DOODLE on napkins, or you PAINT on tree bark... heck- watercolors, stained glass, poetry, stories, scratch board... whatever... 
We LOVE your ART. We want to bask in the gorgeousness of ART and share it with the world.

Maybe you take pictures of your SOCKS (like Nessa does)........We don't care... its ART... it is AMAZING.
Give a shout out here (or via Direct Message) and we’ll get it sorted on just what we are up to. =D
BTW….We're up to an ASS KICKING amazingness.... fully phenomenal Goddess grooviness.

Anyone who would like to submit art may send it to nessacrescentmoon@gmail.com  or danugraywolf@yahoo.com  or  tokikio101@gmail.com
The art will be FULLY credited to the artist (so please give full name/ contact info if they wish to be contacted.)   We will be posting the art on the internet via FaceBook, Twitter, Tumbler, Blogger, deviantART and on our websites.  If you are willing to offer your permission to add an inspirational messages of a multi-denominational sort.. let us know! We would love to combine art and words!

Please know that as FEW as 4,000 people will see your art, love it, cherish it and maybe WANT it for their very own… you may end up being bombarded with requests to SELL your art!
peace! <3

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