Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Senior Portfolio Update #1 and Craft Update #5

Hello dear reader!!!

I am excited to bring two updates for this post. This starts s new set of updates called "Portfolio Updates" for my senior inquiry as a studio art major. I am going to briefly introduce a project that is part of my portfolio and further details are going to come in the next update. Along with that is another craft update which actually relates to the senior portfolio. This is the only post where I am going to combine the two different types of updates. From here on craft updates are not going to include anything related to my portfolio.

This table is 12 inches in diameter and 2.5 feet tall. I put henna designs on the table with puffy paint using a precision squeeze bottle. This table was a practice round for a bigger display piece.

Felt flower designs, the first set I made for the bigger table display.

Ceramic tray, at least the top part. I have attached a simple round coil on the foot to give it support. I'll post more picture of all these in the new senior portfolio updates.
That is all for this update.

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