Monday, November 4, 2013

Portfolio Site


I am currently working on creating a new portfolio site. The focus of the content is going to be based off my resume (C.V.).
All art works that were completed during my sophomore year at school (2011-2012) and earlier are going to stay on my original portfolio website with "previous works" marked clearly at the top. In this new website I am going to include three major areas of focus - business, studio art, and graphic design. All projects, drawings, writings, presentations, etc are going to be included with a link to a publicly accessible Google drive folder. You are going to have the option of of viewing everything on the browser or downloading for direct views.
The plan currently is to finish the content for my website so that I can finalize the layout and overall feel that the portfolio is going to have. Once this is complete, with a custom URL and my own custom website template, I'll be officially launching the website during the week of November 11-16th. With a final blog (most likely this one cleaned up and looking professional) being launched a week later.

I looked forward to presenting my new portfolio and to get feedback on the work I put in.
Till next time~

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