Friday, November 15, 2013

Portfolio Update #2

Hello readers!

I am here to give a quick update. My current portfolio (the temporary design) is up and running here!
I have already started the process of moving this from Wix. Once I am done there is going to be a new design (colors and fonts are not going to change) and a new URL. I am hoping I can get a simple and short URL this time... perhaps or even .net. I am preparing the navigation and footer design right now. The navigation shares the design with the header so it's taking care of two birds with one stone.

I am happy to also announce that the tray for my Diwali display is complete. As well as the sweets (mithai) that go in the tray. I am going to be doing a separate update later when I am done taking pictures to cover this announcement. Hopefully I can set up the table temporarily or even attempt it on another table so that there is a better visual for you to see. I should have this blog post on the Diwali display up either by the end of today or late tomorrow afternoon.

~Keep reading~

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