Monday, March 11, 2013

Craft Update # 2

All right, so craft update number two!

 A milk plushie, I plan on doing other ones (different flavors).
This one is chocolate milk...and I admit ti was difficult making this one. I started out with a flat plushie design and halfway when I started doing the top I decided to make it more 3D...and it just got messed up.... looks good as it is but it could be better.

Name: Fluffy forest critter
I took the "magic scarf"...I'm pretty sure that's what that clothe is called...not the scarf but the hat that I never used and pretty much sewed it all up and put other scrap fabrics in it so it would have some weight. The fiber filling would have leaked out of this otherwise, just because of the material. The eyes and hands are made of regular felt fabric.
He's about 4 inches tall and around 7 inches wide.

I plan on making three different kinds of "french toast" plushies. All cube shaped so that they can be stacked. The squares are 2" that I used and the eyes and face features are all done with nail polish.

This was my second attempt to make a bird...the first one ended up looking like a fish (I know I took a picture of it, just need to find the pictures). I need to figure out how to make eyes like that without making the other side go in too...anyone have any ideas?

I used a template from Nuno Life to make the cat on the left. Try to make more and share pictures if you get the chance. I'm going to attempt the other ones too. These are pretty neat because they are the perfect size for key chains/charms.

The one on the right does seem like a Hello Kitty design but it's not. I actually saw some pillows on Etsy (I'll upload pictures on the next post) and wanted to try making one of my own. As you can see it's not actually a pillow. It's under 4 inches in height and width, pretty small for a pillow. Or maybe it could be a pillow for dolls? =)

And the last plushie/craft pictures for today are my Peas in a Pot!

Only two as you can see. I made one pea and it ended up looking like a squashed oval....nothing like a pea at all.
And the next two I made ended up being too big so I couldn't fit a third one in the pod. I made the pod was difficult working out measurements.

But what I did do was create a cube shaped pea with arms and he fits in perfectly with these other two peas. ♥

So those are the crafts for today!
I'll post more tomorrow or later in the week. 
Share any crafts you are creating or art for that matter.
Don't forget this is open for any art discussion.

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