Monday, March 25, 2013

Sculpture Intro

Hello everyone,

Due to all of the craft updates I've been posting, I think it's time for a change in material...I'm pretty sure you are tired of it just like I am.

I am not sure how many other sculpture updates I will be doing in the future but... but but but I know I have some other sculpture related things floating around the house that need to be posted on here. Yes old stuff I've made, but I know once I get started with more art classes next year or even during the summer I'll be creating some sculpture related posts on here.

And in this post I just wanted to show you guys something I created during my winter ceramics class in 2011.


 Starting off I have this organic earthy shape....made with red clay (it's not terra cotta...I know that for sure).

This is not the first piece I did in this class...I did a smaller one of this to just get a feel for it. It was not as flowing or with so many wavy parts....and it certainly was  not all one fact I did a rainbow on it. I should find pictures of it, or maybe I can take pictures of it later.

I did attach pictures of the finished version here:

Moving on to the next piece I did.


This has been fired once, the problem is that one of the petals broke off. And I really do not know what I want to do with this now....I am not sure what color to make it. I could keep the flower colors, making the upper/inside all pink and outside all green.... I'll have to think on it for some time...

This next one is a conch doesn't look like one... because I never did the bottom of it. I left it open because halfway I felt this need to just create something with swirly motions...and part of that happened to be using the knife to cute off a lot of the clay...mostly on the bottom. I think it goes nicely with the engraving I did on it. I wish I had done the whole shell in just the blue and green colors...with the purple and orange for just the designs. I think the hands and the white are just too distracting.

I do have this finished...The pictures of the finished piece come in a later post as I am not feeling up to I already put it in it's new home which is hard to access as it's really high up.

Lastly from the same class, we had to create a book project.
So I did a children's origami book and took the basic steps from an advanced level of origami technique (non-traditional too) and made it come out of the book. 


I used a wire and did this double folded technique using two strips of paper to create cube like forms which I wrapped around the wire to hide it from view. 

And yes for those of you who have noticed, the pieces are  the ones used to make 3D origami. =)
That is all I have for this sculpture post...
Till next time,
Tootles ~♥~

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